Nepalese Community of Hampton Roads (NCHR)
The name of the organization shall be Nepalese Community of Hampton Roads (with acronym as NCHR).
The logo of the organization shall have a circular image with blue and red pentagon shapes around the border. In the middle of the logo shall have flags of Nepal and the United States of America and Mount Everest (unique identifier of Nepal) in the background. Image of the logo shall be as shown below:

The objective of NCHR shall be:
- To unify Nepalese people living in Hampton Roads, Virginia area.
- To preserve Nepalese art and culture by organizing social events.
- To educate, coordinate and provide support to talented NCHR members to become successful in the academic, art and culture, sportsmanship, and social activities.
- To organize or participate in various charity events and programs.
A) Nonprofit Legal Status. NCHR is in process of filing as tax exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.
(b) Exempt Activities Limitation. Notwithstanding any other provision of these Bylaws, no director, officer, employee, member, or representative of this organization shall take any action or carry on any activity by or on behalf of the corporation not permitted to be taken or carried on by an organization exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as it now exists or may be amended, or by any organization contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of such Code and Regulations as it now exists or may be amended. No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit or be distributable to any director, officer, member, or other private person, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the Articles of Incorporation and these Bylaws.
(c) Distribution Upon Dissolution. Upon termination or dissolution of NCHR, any assets lawfully available for distribution shall be distributed to one (1) or more qualifying organizations described in Section 501(c)(3) of the 1986 Internal Revenue Code (or described in any corresponding provision of any successor statute) which organization or organizations have a charitable purpose which, at least generally, includes a purpose similar to the terminating or dissolving corporation.
NCHR membership shall be open to individuals who meet the criteria listed below:
- Membership Criteria:
Individual can obtain the membership by meeting ALL of these criteria:
- Must be 18 years or older at the time of becoming a member
- Must agree to support NCHR mission, vision, and objectives
- Must pay membership fees as below:
- Annual membership: $25/- (US Dollars ten only) per annum
- Lifetime membership: $250/- (US Dollars two hundred fifty only)
- Membership Termination Criteria:
Membership shall be terminated if any of the following occurs:
- Non-renewal of membership within 30 days of membership expiry
- Member decides not to continue the membership
- Inappropriate code of conduct of member as decided by NCHR committee
- Death
- Member does not follow NCHR vision, mission or values.
- Membership Effective Period: Annual membership shall be effective from the date a member become a NCHR member and shall remain valid until the last day of the 12th month.
- Membership Fees:
NCHR Committee shall assess the sufficiency of the membership fee annually. If the committee decides to revise the membership fees, the revised fee shall be effective for new members. For the existing members, the revised membership fees shall be effective at the next renewal date.
SECTION 5 – Board of Directors
NCHR shall have a board of directors consisting of at least 4 and no more than 9 directors. Within these limits, the board may increase or decrease the number of directors serving on the board, including for staggering the terms of directors.
SECTION 6 –NCHR Committee
- NCHR Committee Members: NCHR committee members shall be appointed by election or unanimous recommendation from NCHR community. NCHR shall have the following positions. Additional positions may be added as deemed necessary by the NCHR Committee.
- President
- Chair – Public Relations
- Chair – Administration
- Chair – Financial Operations
- Chair – Art and Culture
- Chair –Planning and Operations
- Chair – Information Technology
- Committee Service Period: NCHR committee officers shall be in the position for two years. In every two year, an election or unanimous recommendation from NCHR community shall renew the committee members.
- Committee member renewal year and service beginning: NCHR committee shall be renewed in every even year in the month of December. The new committee members shall be effective from January following the election month.
- Eligibility Criteria for Committee members:
- Member must be a resident of Hampton Roads, Virginia.
- Member must be 18 years or older
- Member must be legally in good standing and free of any legal allegation
- Termination Criteria:
Committee member shall be terminated by meeting any of the following criteria:
- Resignation from the position
- Legally unable to continue to serve the community position
- Death
- Voting by two third of the committee members
- Roles and responsibility:
- Role and responsibility for Board of Directors:
- Suspend a member
- Dissolve NCHR
- Approve budget
- Approve programs and NCHR initiatives
- Amendment in bi-laws
- Sale and purchase real-estate
- Roles and responsibility of Executive Committee:
- Appoint board of directors
- Carry out NCHR operations
- Perform routine management activities
- Attend executive committee and board meetings regularly
- Roles and responsibility of President:
- Chair the regular NCHR executive committee meeting
- Provider general leadership on NCHR activities
- Act on the power delegated by board of directors
- Submit progress reports to board of directors during general annual gathering
- Ensure that documents required by laws are properly maintained
- Roles and responsibility of Chair – Public Relations and Networking:
- In the absence of President, handle President’s roles and responsibility
- Act as a brand ambassador of NCHR and promote NCHR among local social organizations.
- Assume role of Editor-in-Chief and coordinate publication of Newsletter
- Request potential sponsors for sponsorship for the social events that NCHR may carry
- Roles and responsibility of Chair – Administration:
- Organize and manage NCHR committee meetings regularly
- Take ownership of meeting minutes and assignment of action items as per the meeting discussion
- File applications/forms, submit documentation on behalf of NCHR as required by State or federal government.
- Ensure that any action carried out by NCHR comply the legal requirements of the State and Federal government.
- Act as the official custodian of the records and seal of NCNR
- Manage correspondence and communicate information to NCHR members, as needed.
Role and responsibility of Chair – Financial Operations:
- Pay all bills upon authorization by NCHR executive committee
- Maintain adequate books of account and a record of all monies received and paid by NCHR
- Prepare financial report annually
- Maintain the up-to-date list of membership of NCHR
- Ensure that NCHR monies are deposited in the bank in a timely manner
- Co-sign checks of NCHR
- File taxes/necessary documents to IRS
- Role and responsibility of Chair – Information Technology and Media Marketing
- Take ownership for maintaining, updating contents of NCHR Website and social media site such as Facebook with documents for public information, news, photos, and videos in regular basis.
- Communicate with sponsors and members as well as well-wishers through email.
- Design layout of NCHR communication media, newsletter, and public correspondence.
- Role and responsibility of Chair – Strategic Planning and Event Management
- Take ownership in identifying venues for any events that NCHR organizes
- Responsible for contracting and negotiating term and conditions favorable to NCHR with vendors/suppliers.
- Plan and develop strategy to organize events and activities to generate funds for NCHR.
- Roles and responsibility of Chair – Art and Culture
- Identify and encourage talents among Nepalese community and help them show their talents in local events
- Provide necessary guidance and support to talents to help them improve in their skills
- Work with other social organizations to provide platform for NCHR talents to compete in their events
SECTION 7 –General Assembly
NCHR shall held a general assembly by organizing social and cultural activities. In such general assembly, all NCHR community members are requested to attend the assembly. NCHR shall communicate to communicate via group email.
SECTION 8 – Association Finances
All financial activities shall be transparent and documented. The financial activities shall be discussed in regular committee meetings.
SECTION 9 – Association Status
NCHR is a non-profit organization. Earnings of NCHR shall be used for not-for-profit work. Earnings shall never be used for personal benefit.
SECTION 10 – Rule of Order
Roberts Rule of Order (newly revised) shall govern all applicable circumstances in which they are not in open conflict with articles of this constitution and the laws of the state of VIRGINIA.
Registration Documents: | |
IRS Approval document | |
State Registration |